Nutrients improve symptoms in polycystic ovary syndrome


What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder in women of child-bearing age, with symptoms including irregular periods, elevated male hormone levels, and enlarged ovaries. Untreated, the syndrome can lead to type 2 diabetes and other health problems.

Folic acid reduced inflammation 

In this study, 69 women with PCOS, age 18 to 40, took a placebo, 1 mg of folate (folic acid) per day, or 5 mg of folate per day, for eight weeks. The doses were several times the U.S. recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for folate.

Doctors measured inflammation levels and signs of oxidative stress before and after the study. Women taking the 5 mg dose of folate saw significant decreases in inflammation including  lower levels of homocysteine and C-reactive protein. The women in the 5 mg folate group also had a better ability to regulate and use insulin, and a significant increase in total antioxidant capacity, suggesting less oxidative stress.

Carnitine, glucose control, and weight loss

In this study, 60 overweight women with PCOS took 250 mg of carnitine per day or a placebo. After 12 weeks, while the placebo group had not improved or had deteriorated, women taking carnitine saw a 7.3 percent decrease in fasting blood sugar levels, and a 21.9 percent decrease in insulin levels.

Women in the carnitine group also lost an average of six pounds, or about 4 percent of body weight, saw a similar decline in body mass index scores, had nearly a one-inch decrease in waist size, and a 2.5 percent decrease in measurement around the hips.



Reference: Clinical Endocrinology; December, 2015, Published Online

Natural Insights for WellBeing July 2016

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