Pycnogenol absorbs into synovial fluid 

Synovial fluid lubricates and cushions joints, protecting them from friction and wear. Earlier studies found Pycnogenol® reduced pain in osteoarthritis, but this is the first study to reveal a possible mechanism of action.

In this study, 33 people with severe osteoarthritis scheduled for knee replacement surgery took 200 mg of Pycnogenol per day or no supplements for three weeks prior to surgery. Doctors found the type of polyphenols in Pycnogenol present in samples of synovial fluid in the Pycnogenol group but not in the non-supplement group.

Discussing the findings, doctors said this is the first evidence that polyphenols distribute to the synovial fluid of those with osteoarthritis, and may help explain the action of Pycnogenol.

Magnesium reduces fracture

Evidence has been mounting that magnesium increases bone mineral density, but until now studies linking magnesium and chances of fracture have been inconclusive.

In this study, doctors measured magnesium in the diets of 3,765 people, average age 61, over a follow-up period of eight years. Those who got the most magnesium on average from food and supplements—398 mg per day for men, 373 mg per day for women—were 53 and 62 percent, respectively, less likely to have developed a bone fracture compared to men and women who got the least magnesium in the diet.

Based on these findings, and because magnesium is both safe and affordable, doctors suggest public health officials consider recommending taking magnesium supplements as a preventative against bone fracture in the general population.

Reference: Nutrients; 2017, Vol. 9, No. 5, 443
Natural Insights for Well Being February 2018
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