Better Metabolism

Vitamin D improves insulin handling, aids diabetic moms and their babies...
Learn MoreVitamin D improves insulin handling, aids diabetic moms and their babies...
Learn MoreAre your kids getting the nutrients they need for healthy cholesterol and good oral health?
Learn MoreOmega-3s could help manage your cholesterol!
Learn MoreDoctors believe lemon balm works by reducing levels of cortisol, the “stress” hormone, and by increasing gamma- aminobutyric acid (GABA), the major nerve-signaling compound in the brain that helps prevent overstimulation and promotes calm.
Learn MoreGarlic extract improved circulation and reduced chronic inflammation in obese individuals. In this study, 88 obese men and women, aged 25 to 60, with no history of high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, stroke, or congestive heart failure, took 400 mg per day of garlic extract, or a placebo.
Learn MoreInflammation is the immune system’s natural response to help the body fight and heal from injury or bacterial infection. But low-level, chronic inflammation can lead to disease over the long term. These key nutrients may reduce inflammation!
Learn MoreLive a longer, healthier life by adding omega-3s and omega-6 to your healthy diet!
Learn MoreThe use of ginseng and melatonin may improve cholesterol levels and stress.
Learn MoreEvidence suggests low iron levels are linked to depression in the general population and increases the likelihood of depression in pregnant women by as much as 29%.
Learn MoreNew research reveals surprising benefits of quinoa, cashews, and yerba mate in relation to aging, pregnancy, and weight-loss!
Learn MoreAlmonds are a source of good fats, vitamin E, and fiber.
Learn MoreThose with type 2 diabetes are more likely to have heart and circulatory problems, and abnormal lipid levels. Curcuminoids are natural compounds found in turmeric, and earlier evidence suggests anti-diabetic and lipid- regulating benefits, but few studies have measured the effect of curcuminoids on lipids in type 2 diabetes. In this study, 118 people aged 18 to 65 with type 2 diabetes took a placebo or a daily supplement containing 1,000 mg of curcuminoids plus 10 mg of piperine; the fragrant compound in black pepper that helps improve absorption.
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