Control Sugar Cravings with Crave Stop

Craving sugar? You’re not alone. Trying to reduce the sugar in your diet? It’s not always easy!
Read More »Craving sugar? You’re not alone. Trying to reduce the sugar in your diet? It’s not always easy!
Read More »Have you heard of the "Freshman 15"? It’s the theory that when someone enters their first year of higher education they gain some weight, an average of 15 pounds. Well, there’s a new 15 in town! The “Quarantine 15.” Many medical professionals believe it’s highly likely that people will have gained weight during the quarantine. This could be due to many people indulging in unhealthy eating habits while in lockdown. Let’s take a look at what could have happened...
Read More »Sometimes, you can’t help but feel the world is falling apart. Every few years, society is confronted by a new illness of seemingly pandemic proportions. No one can make themselves entirely immune to sickness. What we can do is make sure we have taken proper care of our immune system, and given ourselves the best fighting chance to combat sickness. We wanted to take an opportunity with this post to remind you of a few ways you can make sure you are taking proper care of your body’s defense system.
Read More »When researchers analyzed postmenopausal women only, regular mushroom eaters were 84% less likely to have breast cancer.
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