Nutrients reduce wrinkles, protect from sun damage


CoQ10 improved wrinkles

CoQ10 is a vitamin-like nutrient naturally present in every cell of the body, and helps the cells produce energy. Cosmetics companies use CoQ10 as an ingredient in topical formulas, but research on the skin effects of taking CoQ10 as an oral supplement  is very limited. In this study, 33 healthy volunteers,  average age 53, took a placebo, 50 mg, or 150 mg of CoQ10 per day.

After 12 weeks, both CoQ10 groups saw improvement  in wrinkles around the eyes, and the high-dose group also saw wrinkles improve around the mouth, nose, and lips. CoQ10 did not hydrate the skin or protect from UVB light in this study.

Discussing the findings, doctors said taking CoQ10 helped reduce seasonal deterioration in skin elasticity and improved some visible signs of aging, including significantly reducing wrinkles and fine lines, and improving skin smoothness.

Rosemary and grapefruit extracts

Some plants contain polyphenols that may protect from the aging effects of sunlight. In this pilot study, 90 women with pale, fair, or darker white skin showing some effects from aging and sun damage, took a rosemary-grapefruit polyphenol extract. Doctors periodically exposed the women to ultraviolet-A and ultraviolet-B (UVA and UVB) light during several months taking the supplement.

The women began to show decreased skin redness and oxidation from UVA and UVB exposure as soon as two weeks after starting to take the rosemary-grapefruit supplement. Wrinkles and skin elasticity also improved over the course of the study.

Doctors said the benefits of rosemary and grapefruit polyphenols likely come from reducing oxidation and inflammation of the skin, and that taking rosemary and grapefruit extract may be a complementary nutritional strategy to avoid the negative effects of sun damage, helping preserve smoother, younger-looking skin.


Natural Insights For Wellbeing
January 2017

Reference: Biofactors; August, 2016, Published Online

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These articles provide nutritional information only and do not replace professional medical advice.