by Tracy Pollack
It’s easy to get swept away by all of autumn’s cozy comforts. Steamy mugs of apple cider, filling comfort foods and the pleasures of pumpkin spice make the season one to savor. Then, Halloween sneaks on in with its sugary, chocolatey treats before Thanksgiving brings its abundance of classic family favorites. While it’s easy to love this hearty and homey season, it’s hard to stay fit and active when the couch is calling your name. But the cooler, crisper days of fall invite you to go outdoors for a feast of fall activities that let you revel in the glorious season while reaping the benefits of a workout. Check out these autumn activities that allow you to stay in shape and still indulge in your favorite fall treats!
Bag a Pile of Exercise
While it’s a joy to see the autumn leaves turn shades of red and gold, it’s a chore to rake them up when they pile up in your yard. But this leaves you the opportunity to get out in the fresh air and rake in a heart-pumping workout with a bundle of aerobic benefits. See, raking leaves for just 30 minutes can burn more than 100 calories. And while shaping up your arms, legs, and core, you’ll also be shaping up your yard!
Treat Yourself to a Scary-Good Burn
Are you afraid that indulging in too many Halloween goodies will haunt you with extra pounds? You’re in for a sweet surprise because a night of trick-or-treating allows you to scare up some healthy activity. Simply strolling around the neighborhood for an hour can burn between 210 and 360 calories. After all of that healthy walking, indulging in a couple of fun-size candies doesn’t seem so scary at all!
Squash Calories in a Pumpkin Patch
If the only pumpkin you planned to pick up this fall was a pumpkin spice latte or doughnut, spice up your workout instead by picking a pumpkin from a patch. While you could find a gorgeous gourd to carve at the farmer’s market or grocery store, strolling around a pumpkin patch as you carry a 10-pound pumpkin can burn more than 200 calories an hour and earn you that slice of pumpkin pie.
Gather a Bushel of Activity
Apples are ripe for the picking in fall, so head to a local orchard to pick up the perks of apple picking. While plucking the fruit from the trees, you’ll be walking off nearly 200 calories an hour and grab a heap of healthy snacks. Pick for a little longer to earn that apple cider doughnut! How about them apples?
Side Note: Use those apples to make Garden of Life’s Apple Cranberry Crisp Recipe
Score a Winning Workout
Football and fall are a perfect match. Rather than root for your team from the couch, go get in the game instead. Team up with your friends and family for a game of touch football to tackle a whopping 500 calories in just one hour of play. A friendly game of touch football makes it a snap to sack some exercise and have a ball in the autumn air.
While it’s tempting to spend the season just snuggling up on the sofa, get outdoors to enjoy these favorite fall activities and burn off enough calories to freely savor the flavors of fall.
by Tracy Pollack 9/19/22